Thursday, 9 July 2009

Things are growing and (almost) ready to harvest

Sweet peas and dark-blue lobelia grow along the tall fence on Dalintart Lane
Welcome back!
Things have been growing apace -- both desirables and less desirables...
Here are a few images to hopefully please your eyes, and to document the hard work that Graham has been putting in, planting, weeding, harvesting...
Graham manually eradicating cleavers
Sweet peas, fennel, herbs
Sugar snaps ripen under protective netting
Nasturtiums and potatoes

In the woodland part, fruit pods of a calla-like plant that should ripen into red berries (will try to keep you posted)
Sadly, lack of funding has held back development work on the top end of the garden. Seating and visually satisfying objects have been planned for that part.
A lone white aster, donated anonymously
Among other things, drainage coils need putting into the ground before anything more can be done. However, we're hoping to be able to progress things further soon.
Top end of the garden, looking rather bare
Enjoy the summer, and come back soon for more images and information on progress.

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