Friday, 10 July 2009

Easdale Community Garden on TV1's Beechgrove Garden

Hiya again
Most of you will have heard that BBC TV1's Beechgrove Garden programme recently aired its episode about the new Community Garden at Easdale, Isle of Seil. It contains lots of useful information about gardening on the Scottish West Coast, as well as tips on sustainable methods and products: heat sinks, path "slabs" from recycled material, etc. etc.

If you haven't seen it or if you missed the programme, you still have a chance until Wednesday, 15th July 2009. A click on the title of this post will take you to the BBC page, where your blogger found the following information:

In this episode, the whole production team cross the Atlantic...

The Atlantic bridge that is, just South of Oban, to help with the final stages of a community garden that's being created around the new community hall on the stunning slate island of Seil.

The 600-strong community have already raised money for, and designed and built, their own new community hall. The builders left all the rubble from the old hall all around the new one. Added to that, the proposed site of the community's new garden was the old dumping ground for the slate on its way from quarry to ferry; there is no soil there at all. The new garden is being built out of rubble and slate, and sits abut 50 metres from the ocean's edge. Not much of a challenge there, then!

Jim, Carole, George and Carolyn are on the island to help in the final stages of the community garden, but to also see some of the extraordinary and surprising gardens and gardeners on Seil.

The community gardens are gardens created by the community for the community with a little help from Beechgrove. The Beechgrove Community Garden Initiative has helped over 170 community gardens be created the length and breadth of Scotland since 1996.
Broadcast on: BBC One, 7:30pm Wednesday 8th July 2009
Duration: 30 minutes
Available until: 7:59pm Wednesday 15th July 2009

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