Monday, 3 May 2010

The veggies are growing in our Organic Garden

An update from our gardener, Graham Scott:

"Purple broccolli showing new heads, also kale; tatties starting to show, onions and garlic doing well; Jerusalem artichokes showing.

Sourced logs from Glencruitten for [shiitake] mushrooms.

Mini greenhouse set up soon for tomatoes, pumpkins, melons.

Plant out soon: nasturtiums, sweet peas, re-pot sunflowers.

Herb garden doing well: Mecanopsis (himalayan blue poppy) about to bloom as is Astilbe; rhubarb de-flowered to promote growth.

Planted sweet corn, put in supports for peas.

Taken up planting containers in No.8 Miller Rd. patio, helped by neighbouring child; sown carrots in troughs; will soon plant half tub with beans and nasturtiums. Vertical plastic pipes along wire fence will be planted with strawberries.

As the ongoing environmental (food imports) situation unfolds, the need for locally grown food is again underlined.

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