Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Flood no 9 - part 1

Hiya again
We're currently experiencing some heavy rains, but this is really only day two after a long spell of very dry weather so I'm surprised to see the burn overflowing already.
Here is a photo taken at 8:15 this morning:
And here is one taken just a few minutes ago, at 11:56AM -- not long now and the footpath will be fully submerged:
And indeed, by 12:25PM, the water flows across the footpath. The car park below the stone wall is half flooded now, also.

Just before I took the 11:56 photo above, I watched a boy, maybe twelve years old?, in dark-blue track pants and hooded sweat shirt squatting and standing on the edge of this side of the burn. He had climbed across the tall fence separating the Nelson Road housing estate (West Highland Housing Association property) from the burn and was holding on to the fence with one hand. How he got across the burn to the Miller Road side, I do not know. I actually didn't notice him until after I took this photograph, where you can just see him on the very edge of the picture on the right -- a tiny blue dot:
I shouted to the boy but he pretended not to pay any attention. My heart was racing as I watched him brace himself and then jump across the burn, which now flows in full spate along a narrow water channel.
The boy then very, very slowly clambered back over the fence, which is nearly as tall as he. He ambled back into the housing estate before disappearing around the corner of the house nearest the burn.
I tried to call the police but they're obviously busy dealing with flooding elsewhere...
Can I describe my feeling of helplessness as I watched this boy intent on a thrill?

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