Spring is in the air. Our indefatigable gardener, Graham, has been hard at it, tidying up, raking off rotting branches and pulling up plants that didn't survive the hard frost of late December/early January. And he has built several raised beds which will hold leeks and onions and other lovely vegetables.

The weather changes from day to day, from hour to hour. A couple of days ago it was balmy and spring-like, the next day, frost had set in again and everything was covered with an ephemeral layer of ice-crystals. Beautiful, but a reminder that we shouldn't rush into things just yet:
You seem to have no problems watering plants!!!
Dave, Campbeltown
Indeed not, Dave, although getting the water out of the burn is a bit of a hoik and sometimes, especially these days of cold, dry weather, quite a challenge. But it should be easy enough to install a water mill -- could be a kid's project... ;)
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