The project has enjoyed and is grateful for the support of ACHA–Argyll Community Housing Association, Argyll & Bute Council: Community Learning & Regeneration; Employability; FAB–Fairer Argyll & Bute; FOLI–Fairer Oban Lorn & The Isles; Glencruitten Residents and Tenants Association; Scottish Public Health Network; Awards for All
The SURF Awards is supported by the Scottish Government’s Scottish Centre for Regeneration and independently judged by a panel of representatives drawn from relevant national organisations and community groups.
If you are aware of a project or initiative that you believe deserves particular recognition, please consider nominating it for a 2009 SURF Award.
The key dates for the applications process are:
How to apply
Further information on the entry criteria and the application process for the 2009 SURF Awards is available for download from the SURF website ( .doc or .pdf).