Sunday, 31 May 2009

Green and greener, watch it grow

Hello again
The rate of growth of plants in our garden is simply breathtaking. You can almost watch things grow these days.
It's quite hard work to keep the weeds in check. The butterbur is particularly tenacious...... it even grows right through the top-end of the tar path.In some parts, Graham has been using the strimmer. In other areas, manual eradication is more
appropriate to protect desirable plants and to try and keep the weeds out for good.
A clump of some kind of calla has been "liberated". It is already in flower.
But a few wild rose shrubs still need a helping hand to get rid of "sticky willy" and bindweed.

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

A rainbow above the garden

Hello all
A rainbow arched over the garden a few days ago. The warm wet spring weather and Graham's hard work have transformed the garden into a lush paradise. The first potato and pea leaves are already showing. Your Blogger was pleased to note that the bottom of the garden did not flood during the very heavy rains last Thursday and Friday. Evidently, clearing the burn of a lot of rubbish has had a beneficial effect.
Our next Garden Committee Meeting will be held on 2nd June. Please contact 07810 714 421 for details.

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Subtle changes

Hello all

Some subtle changes have been occurring in our Garden. The aspens are looking tall and handsome, as do the birches.
Graham has been hard at work: he has transplanted an aspen sapling that was too close to the path and, even though it was already in leaf, it is doing well at the top of the garden. He has also been strimming the weeds to keep them in check. And he has planted some potatoes and beans, which will not be for consumption but are intended to extract some of the toxins we suspect to be in the soil.
Kay has brought some seedlings that were donated to us -- it will be fun to see them grow and reveal to us what they are.
A few images to illustrate the bottom end, which is what your blogger can see most easily.
More substantial work has been held up by the VERY slow process of applying for funding and receiving answers.
More soon! Thank you for visiting.