Thursday, 22 January 2009

What a difference!

Hello again

What a difference -- see for yourselves the state of the new Garden on Wednesday, 21st January, 2009, after the good, hard-working people from the Employability Team had been and gone.
Your Blogger will post just a few photos -- before and after -- to keep this light, but she's got lots and lots more photos which she will be happy to share with you upon request. Just send a comment to this blog.
This is what the bottom end of the garden looked like last summer, when the Employability Team started to work on it.
This was the path being put in -- photo taken just a couple of days ago.
Here's the same patch of garden as in the first photo, but after the major work has been completed. Photo taken on January 21, 2009, at about 3pm. Rubbish has been cleared by the skiploads; the path is beautifully laid; only very few trees have had to be felled. There are some interesting looking rocks and boulders and a whole heap of slate that can hopefully be transformed into "hard" garden features.

Thank you, everyone!

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Links to some Scottish Community Gardens

Hello again
It's time to think about what our Lynnside Garden should look like.

To see homepages of other projects and gardens, simply click on the text that is underlined and printed in blue:

Aldouran Wetland Garden, by Leswalt, 3 miles from the ferry port of Stranraer
The Beechgrove Garden, on 3 acres of Scottish hillside, 7 miles west of Aberdeen.
Linthouse Community Garden, Glasgow
Islay House Community Garden, Islay

The Achamore Gardens on Gigha are spectacular at any time of year.

Other sources of garden inspiration can be found here:
Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens
Scottish Natural Heritage - Garden for Life Project
BBC Gardening Today

Day Excursion to see other Community Gardens

Hello again

If you would like to see what a few other Community Gardens look like, join us on a day excursion by minibus:

Thursday, 12th February 2009

To sign up and for all other details, please contact

Maureen Evans - Tel 562 466
Argyll & Bute Council
Community Regeneration

Maureen [dot] Evans [at] [you will need to copy-paste this address manually into your outgoing e-mail and replace [dot] by . and [at] by @ -- this is a way of ensuring Maureen's inbox doesn't get swamped by spam.

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

The Path -- now with blacktop!

Hello again

Your Blogger is happy to report that today is seeing the path virtually finished, with blacktop going in. Have no fear, it will look lovely once it's completely finished as a sprinkling of brilliant white gravel is being scattered on top of the black tarmac.
See for your good selves - the people on the Employability Team have once again been hard at it, running with empty barrels to fetch more hot stuff before the cold ground prevents the material from bonding properly:
As your Blogger types these lines, the Ennstone Thistle lorry has just trundled past her house -- to fetch more bitumen?
The top end of the garden is cleared, but -- as yet -- not much more. It's a rather soggy affair just now:
Elsewhere, a heap of rocks has been piling up -- your Blogger is sure that good use will be made of them in the design of the garden.

Monday, 19 January 2009

New path almost finished

Hello again!
Enjoy the sequence of impressions -- photographs taken over the past few weeks. The Employability People have been working on and off whenever the weather let up a wee bit. The ground has been very wet -- it must be such hard work!
Last night, there was a snowburst at about 4am:And about twelve hours later, your Blogger managed to capture a sunburst:Thank you and come back soon.

By the way, if you wish to follow this blog without clicking in every day, why not use Google Reader? It's an excellent device for people wishing to be updated whenever any changes are made to the blogs they follow. One click gets you all the blogs. Easy to set up, takes about five minutes (a little longer if you don't yet have a Google account).

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Another wee flood (no 4)

Hello again
New Year's Day has come and gone -- we all hope 2009 will bring everyone prosperity, happiness and -- most importantly -- good health!
Thank you for your continued interest in this blog. Please accept my apologies for not having "fed" it over the past few weeks.
The Employability Team have been hard at it and have nearly completed the path along the bottom end of the garden. Much rubbish and debris has been cleared. For this work much thanks!
Sunday, 12 January 2009 saw another heavy rainfall and partial flooding of the new community garden, rendering Dalintart Lane impassable ...
... but the water receded quickly this time:
Wonderfully, that same afternoon, "Harry" or "Henrietta", the heron, came to stalk the burn. Here's a not very good photo of the big bird circling the site after take-off:
Your Lynnside Community Garden Blogger