Friday, 28 November 2008

A dusting of snow on the sunny garden

A dusting of snow fell before dawn (07:30) this morning…
...and was still around at sunrise (10:05AM)……still there at dusk (ca 4PM).

Tuesday, 25 November 2008


While your reporter was away, the fencing has come along very nicely indeed and is nearly finished. The afternoon light was fantastic and the painters braved the chill :A bit less fantastic was the fact that earlier today the old fencing was being burnt rather than chopped up and given away to people in the neighbourhood needing fuel to heat their homes. If the wood is treated and harmful chemicals would escape if it were burnt, then surely a bonfire is just as bad ...The fire was soon left to smoulder away.

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Tall fence nearly finished

The new fence is very nearly up and looking great. The men from the Employability team have done a great job.
The heaps of litter are rather less attractive but things probably have to get worse still before they get better.
The new gate to the Garden.Sadly, the burn continues to hold all manner of litter: when your reporter checked last, she saw an empty turquoise plastic glue can; the old black office chair that's been in there for about two weeks now; a black cast-iron laundry pole that the Employability team pulled from the tangly weeds several weeks ago -- it's all valuable raw material that could be recycled...
Littering along Dalintart Lane continues to irk your reporter along with an increasing number of neighbours. She cleared all the rubbish about a week ago -- something the Council should really be taking care of. However, it's really a Sysiphean task as people seem to consider the outdoors as one great rubbish bin, tossing their litter wherever it may fall: cigarette butts and plastic bags -- both take thousands of years to decompose! --, drinks cans, food containers, wrappers, ... But this is probabyl off topic here.

Cheerioh, and come back soon!

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Further progress on the fencing

The enclosure to the community garden continues to take shape even though sometimes the rainy weather has brought things to a standstill (the mallards love the quiet, though):
Workers are hard at it ...,
... most of the time, anyway ;)
The fence along the burn is as good as finished and looking great. It doesn't run quite straight to accommodated an established tree:Downstream from the same vantage point, however, the picture is a bit different:(Why does it look like people think a burn is just another rubbish dump?)
The taller fence along the lane is fast taking shape:
Sometimes it doesn't take much to command respect (above), but

Friday, 7 November 2008

First frost and progress

The first frost has come and gone, ...... the Employability Team have been busy working on the garden. They've taken up heaps of roots and rubbish, ...... and have begun to dismantle the old fence along the lane.Way to go!
The light these days has just been stunning.